Your Monthly Giving Supports Little Wishes Like These --"Derek"
"Derek” made a Little Wish for karate, hoping it would teach him self discipline and to better himself. "Derek” is 15 years old and suffers from A.D.H.D. Since starting karate in January, "Derek's” instructor reports that "He is a great kid and is becoming a real leader. This boy is going to go places if he keeps on the right track!” His father said "Derek" is more patient and is better at controlling his emotions. He is also able to focus and concentrate better since working with his karate instructor. "Derek's” interest and pride in learning karate has increased his self confidence, and his behavior and attitude have had major improvements”. "Arron”
13 year old "Arron” first experienced playing the tenor saxophone in his music class at school and he loved it! "Arron's” Little Wish is to take private saxophone lessons and then try out for the jazz band. His mom reports that "not only has "Arron” really taken to his music lessons, it has also helped him with his school work and overall self esteem. He is now the best tenor sax player in his school and this is his first time having this kind of accomplishment”. "Arron” has been sponsored through Blue Skies since January, and we are glad to report that he is continuing his lessons, still participating in his school band, and is now part of the Bellingham Youth Jazz Project, a local non-profit organization that promotes community development by making jazz music accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. "Dennis” and "Sara
"Dennis" is 13 and "Sara” age 6 are brother and sister who participate in swim lessons. Both kids wanted to learn how to swim to give them self confidence in and out of the water and to keep them "happy and healthy.” Their parents agreed to find a way to get them swim lessons if the kids would work hard to keep their grades up. Their swim coach states that "Dennis has a big part on the swim team and he is focused and motivated. He is also a role model to the younger kids. I am so proud of him. He is a good kid and I can see him excel in the swim program. "Sara” is the younger of the two kids and her coach says, "She is very spirited and very nice to have in class. She is always happy and really connects with other students and coaches.” Their mom reports that "both children are gaining self confidence and self-esteem!” |
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