In-Office Appointments: Referral from your School's Family Liaison, Counselor, or Coordinator Needed
What you need to DO: Get in contact with the family liaison at your school, discuss your situation, and have them email/call us on your behalf and refer you. We are closed to the public for in-office appointments at this time, but we do accommodate emergent requests from family liaisons on behalf of families in need. What You RECEIVE: A NEW coat, pair of gloves, and hat for each of your kids between the ages 6-18 (or high school graduation) What you need to BRING: A parent/guardian with/without kids as well as paperwork that proves your family is low-income, foster and/or homeless (forms listed below) and ID for you and your kids.
Verification Forms:
Apple Health or Molina Health Care cards for guardian and children
Employment Income (3 Pay Stubs)
Unemployment Income
SSI / SSD Letter
TANF Assistance Letter
Food Stamps Letter
Free/Reduced School Lunch Letter
Foster Placement Paperwork or Proof of Guardianship
The bottom line: Any paperwork or letter that shows you receive funding assistance works great. It needs to have your name and date on it to show that it is current within one calendar year. If you have any questions about verification forms, please call 360-756-6710. We know it can be confusing:)
Last Things to Note:
1. Stay tuned for our upcoming Back2School Boost Event in September. We will have the most options to chose from at that time.
2. We give out clothing essentials seasonally at different times throughout the calendar year. Blue Skies for Children gives out one of each item (coats, shoes, gloves, hats, and socks) to each child once per school year.
3. We currently happen to have a small selection of toddler/baby coats available. If your baby or toddler has an older sibling that is receiving clothes from a Winter Warm-Up Appointment, you can also get a coat for the younger child.
“Please be advised that this standard form was created using a Weebly form. The data is captured within the
Weebly website builder, and does not automatically flow into the Flipcause system or into any other software.
If you have need for a different type of form, please reach out to your Success Team for more information.
You can also learn more about the different types of forms that are available to you by clicking here.